Specialized Doctor For Sciatica and Neuropathy Treatment in Thousand Oaks, CA

As a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Dr. Micharl Veselak has found that successful treatment is the result of finding the source of the problem, and not covering the symptoms with medications. With all chronic pain patients there is an underlying component that must be addressed if the patient is ever going to respond to conservative care and live a life without medications.


The Sciatic Nerve is the largest nerve in the body, beginning in the lower lumbar vertebrae and traveling through the buttocks, down the leg, to the foot. Often, Sciatic Nerve Pain begins when the nerve gets aggravated by repetitive bending, prolonged sitting (such as driving), and many other everyday activities like gardening, golfing or running. When the Sciatic Nerve exits the vertebrae, it crosses the glutes and exits under the piriformis muscle, which sits right below the gluteal muscles. Any one of these muscles can disrupt the nerve due to imbalances, weakness, and/or hypertonicity. This causes the Sciatic nerve to become compressed, creating the symptoms of Sciatica. Generally, Sciatica pain is caused by a herniated disc in the 4th or 5th Lumbar region, which impinges the Sciatic Nerve. Another less common cause of Sciatic Pain are synovial cysts.

With more than 30 years of Chiropractic experience, sciatica doctor thousand oaks Michael Veselak has treated numerous cases of Sciatic Nerve Pain. Over the past few years, however, he has changed his treatment methods to incorporate a more functional medicine approach. As a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Dr. Michael Veselak addresses Sciatic Nerve Pain by first identifying the underlying cause of the pain. It is important to address the pain not only from a musculoskeletal perspective, but also from a neurologic and metabolic perspective. A comprehensive orthopedic and neurologic evaluation is necessary to determine the exact level of compression and the severity of the Sciatica.


It has been estimated that over 17 million people in the United States are affected by Peripheral Neuropathy. Peripheral Neuropathy literally translates to abnormal nerves away from the center of the body, and can affect the motor, sensory and/or autonomic nerves. When the motor nerves are involved, movement will be inhibited, creating weakness or cramping and possibly balance issues. Neuropathy doctor thousand oaks in the sensory nerves will often cause tingling, numbness or burning in the hands or feet. While the autonomic nerves control the part of the body that we do not control, such as circulation, digestion, and heart rate. In dealing with Neuropathy, any one of these types of nerves could be affected, or a combination of all three.

At Camarillo Functional Health, Dr. Michael Veselak has had the opportunity to evaluate and treat thousand of patients suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy. In doing so, Dr. Veselak has found a common thread throughout all neuropathy cases – there is always an underlying metabolic condition that adversely affects the nerves, resulting in poor communication in the wiring from the brain to the hands and/or feet. Once this underlying cause is discovered, patients experience much greater improvement in their Neuropathy pain and faster results!

Some of the common metabolic conditions that will cause nerve disruption or degeneration are Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, Anemia, Auto-Immune Issues, Infections such as viral or bacterial infections, food sensitivities, high stress affecting the adrenal gland, and liver detoxification issues. Statin drugs and chemotherapy can also be added to this list.

Spinal Decompression therapy in Thousand Oaks, CA

Functional Medicine is a very specific method and analysis, which incorporates the actual art and science of medicine. At Camarillo Functional Health, Dr. Michael Veselak focuses on treating chronic patients by examining their case from a functional perspective. This means, he will examine each case through labs, medical history, bloodwork, etc. to find the root cause of each problem. As a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Dr. Veselak has found that successful treatment is the result of finding the source of the problem, and not covering the symptoms with medications. With all chronic pain patients there is an underlying component that must be addressed if the patient is ever going to respond to conservative care and live a life without medications.

Spinal Stenosis


Spinal Stenosis is caused from a narrowing of the spinal canal or lateral recesses which impinges upon the exiting nerve roots. What causes changes in these openings? A lot of things! One major cause, is the the process of aging. As joints and ligaments undergo wear and tear, they can shift partially into these spaces. In fact, spinal stenosis is most common in people in their 50’s and beyond. Spinal stenosis can also be inherited or acquired at birth. In rare cases, synovial cysts, which develop as a result of degeneration in the facet joint in the lumbar spine, have been linked to spinal stenosis, or at least mimic many of the symptoms of spinal stenosis.

At Camarillo Functional Health, Dr. Michael Veselak has been treating cases of spinal stenosis for over 30 years.  As a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Dr. Michael Veselak manages spinal stenosis using a Functional Medicine Perspective. Throughout his experience, Dr. Veselak has found that successful treatment is the result of finding the source of the problem, and not masking the symptoms with heavy medications. In many cases, patients have come to our office seeking an alternative to invasive surgery. With the use of state-of-the-art therapies, such as Cervical Traction, Lumbar Traction and spinal decompression thousand oaks, along with his advanced medical knowledge, Dr. Michael Veselak has been able to help many of our spinal stenosis patients avoid surgery, reduce their pain medications, and return to the activities they once enjoyed.

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine is a 21st century approach to evaluating and managing patients suffering from chronic conditions. It is based upon identifying the underlying cause of the disease process or the chronic pain. Rather than treating the symptoms, functional medicine thousand oaks incorporates a whole body analysis, with emphasis on dietary and lifestyle changes. Through careful analysis of genetic influences, environmental factors such as toxic exposure and dietary habits, we can begin to identify the complex web of chronic disease and illness. Modern medicine is great in the management of the acute condition; however, it falls short in the management and prevention of chronic disease. It focuses too much on the magic bullet technique, where one pill fixes the condition for all patients. Unfortunately, this often results in undesirable side effects, leaving patients looking for other courses of treatment.

Functional Medicine is a very specific method and analysis, which incorporates the actual art and science of medicine.  At Camarillo Functional Health, Dr. Michael Veselak focuses on treating chronic patients by examining their case from a functional perspective. This means, he will examine each case through labs, medical history, bloodwork, etc. to find the root cause of each problem. Dr. Veselak interprets blood work in a functional range, tightening up the typical lab ranges so he can better address patterns of dysfunction leading to the chronic disease process.  He will assess each patient based on family history, environmental exposures and past medical conditions. Often times, with chronic complex cases, it is necessary to utilize special labs to properly identify the true cause of the chronic condition. These specialized tests will assess genetic factors, heavy metal toxicity, viral or bacterial exposure, Lyme’s disease, SIBO, Parasites, Nutrition, Amino Acid and Neurotransmitter deficiencies, Pyroluria and Gut Permeability.  In doing so, Dr. Veselak will gain a deeper understanding of how the body is functioning, where imbalances may take place, and a clear direction as to how to resolve the core issue of the chronic condition.